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 BabyPeek sequences your baby's DNA from one maternal blood sample.

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How we create your report

BabyPeek uses advanced technology to analyze well-known genetic factors that determine what traits a baby will most likely have. Much like a weather report, results are calculated as probabilities.

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Eye color
Genetic changes in two genes, HERC2 and OCA2, are strongly associated with eye color. That’s because these two genes actually work together to control melanin production, particularly in the iris.
Red hair
The most well-studied gene that affects whether or not hair is red is called MC1R. This gene helps the body make eumelanin. Changes in the gene make it not as good at making eumelanin, leading to more pheomelanin in the hair–this makes hair red!
Curly hair
The most well-studied gene that affects hair texture is called TCHH. This gene helps the body make proteins in the hair strand called keratins. TCHH affects how keratin forms, which determines how hair grows–either straight or curly.
Light or dark hair
In addition to the MC1R gene, which is the most important for red hair, BabyPeek looks at other genes that determine how much eumelanin the body produces, so we can determine what shade hair will likely be on a scale from blonde (low eumelanin) to black (high eumelanin).
Hair thickness
The EDAR gene is directly involved in the development of hair follicles. People with specific changes in EDAR have thicker hair strands than those that don’t. By looking at whether or not your baby has this change, we can predict how likely they are to have thick hair!
The MC1R gene helps melanocytes naturally produce high levels of melanin. When there are lower levels of natural melanin in the skin, sun exposure is more likely to lead to concentrated spots of melanin–AKA, freckles!
One genetic change affects how likely olfactory receptors are to detect the aldehydes (“smell chemicals”) in cilantro that also smell like soap, determining how likely your baby is to like or dislike cilantro!
Bitter taste
Some people can taste the bitter PTC chemical while others cannot. While the foods we eat do not contain PTC, bitter foods have been found to contain similar chemicals. People who are not sensitive to these bitter flavors may enjoy these foods more.
Asparagus odor
Scientists believe the OR2M7 gene affects the ability to smell asparagus. This gene gives the body instructions on how to make a specific microscopic structure in the nose that latches on to and senses certain chemicals in the air, like sulfur or citrus.
Sweet taste
The gene TAS1R3 encodes taste receptors and affects a person’s ability to detect sucrose, one of the main chemicals that makes foods taste sweet. By looking at changes to this gene, we can determine if your baby is more or less sensitive to sweet flavors.
Sweet vs. salty
The FGF21 gene produces a hormone that regulates our metabolism and how our body responds to sugar. FGF21 may affect how much of this hormone is produced when we eat sugar, determining how likely we are to seek a sweet or salty snack.
The EDA gene is linked to when a baby’s first teeth emerge. Babies with particular changes in this gene are more likely to have their first teeth emerge earlier (5-7 months of age) than others (6-8+ months of age).

Meet our experts

John ten Bosch
John ten Bosch

PhD, FACMG, VP of Laboratory Operations, Licensed Laboratory Director

Jennifer Hoskovec
Jennifer Hoskovec

MS, CGC, Licensed Genetic Counselor, Senior Director of Medical Affairs

Dr.Sriram Perni
Dr.Sriram Perni

MD, MBA, Board-certified OBGYN, Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist, Medical Advisor

What BabyPeek parents say

“I really love it. I think it’s awesome. As a pregnant person, I’m living in anticipation every day... Now, I can imagine... It definitely creates the connection and bond with my baby.”


BabyPeek Parent

“BabyPeek is really fun and interesting. I loved that we could see how likely our baby girl is to have freckles and red hair like me, and thinner hair and early teething like her dad... It will be fun to see how accurate the eye color is [because] my family has such a mix.”

Real BabyPeek Parent

“The results are perfect for gender reveal parties... Very exciting [way] to have a closer bond with your baby. Also adds fun when you aren’t feeling well in the first trimester.”


BabyPeek Parent

“I 100% believe the baby won’t like cliantro because the father can’t stand it! That was so neat to see! All in all the information gathered seems spot on and I’m super curious now to see if it matches up.”

Real BabyPeek Parent

“This is such a fun sneak peek! Loved seeing all the different traits my baby may have. It is interesting to learn how these traits are determined as well.”

Real BabyPeek Parent

“BabyPeek is so fun! I love the images and percentages!”

Real BabyPeek Parent

Frequently asked questions

BabyPeek is available for singleton pregnancies that were conceived without the use of an egg donor.

BabyPeek cannot tell you about the health of your baby. BabyPeek is not a medical test and should not be used to make medical decisions about your pregnancy.

BabyPeek results are a prediction of what traits your baby is most likely to have. They do not mean that your baby will have these traits with absolute certainty.

BabyPeek is not a paternity test and cannot be used to determine paternity.

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